During the second half of 2015 DSP-Systems organizes several workshops throughout Europe.
Passed: October 2015: Germany:
On October 29-30, DSP-Systems organised a successfull workshop in Halle, Germany in close cooperation with Dr. Uwe Rauhut of the Landesamt für Umweltschutz S.-Anhalt. Participants from 5 different laboratories had registered and all were invited to bring along some samples to purify. As some people who had registered were not able to make it, DSP-Systems plans to organize the next German workshop around February-March, 2016.
August 2015: Turkey
In close cooperation with Dr. Muammer Kaplan from TUBITAK Marmara Research Centre – Food Institute in Izmir, the first Turkish workshop was organized. On Augustus 5-6, a total number of 16 participants representing eight laboratories participated at the workshop. Amongst the eight laboratories some newcomers in the field of dioxin analyses and already established laboratories. Some of the experienced laboratories using a manual method while some others are already using an automated method. The interest of the latter group of laboratories was mainly triggered by the main advantages of the new automated dioxin cleanup systems which are imported from Japan to Europe, Turkey and many other countries by DSP-Systems.
Passed: August 2015: Denmark
Also in Denmark, the participants from 4 Danish dioxin laboratories were triggered by the capabilities of the next generation of automated clean-up for dioxin and PCB analysis. On request by Dr. Søren Sørensen of the Ministery of Food, Agricultural and Fisherie, Division of Residues and Dr. Tommy Licht Cederberg of The Danish National Reference Laboratory for Dioxins, the first Danish workshop was organised on August 25-26.
Hands on
After introductory talks, an overview of today’s dioxin sample preparation techniques was presented and new technology of the ‘greenest’ and fastest automated sample preparation system available in Europe was explained by Chris van Wakeren and Wim Traag.
After this theoretical session sample extracts brought along by the participants were purified in the laboratory. Next to the more likely samples such as edible oils some interesting extracts such as Squalene *1 and Bergafat *2. All purified extracts were analysed immediately after the workshops and results were presented and discussed.