
Wim Traag
Senior Scientist & General Manager

Wim Traag has been working at RIKILT – the Dutch National Institute of Food Safety (NRL) at the Wageningen University for over 30 years. During this time he has led multiple research groups and has always been actively involved in POPs analysis. His publications in scientific literature are numerous. Wim’s expertise has aided the settlement of many POPs exposure incidents that have occurred over the past decades. He was (co)-author of 85 peer reviewed papers and 9 book chapters and gave various oral presentations at meetings, workshops and conferences each year on pesticides, mycotoxins, veterinary drugs, hormones, dioxins and food incidents.

Chris van Wakeren
Business Manager & Technical Support

Chris van Wakeren has over 20 years of working experience in the field of POPs analysis. He has been serving laboratories throughout Europe by providing dependable service and maintaining reliable sample preparation systems. Also he has been working with many laboratories providing (labeled) analytical standards, custom solutions/mixtures and reference materials from numerous of the world’s leading producers and manufacturers.
Chris has a.o. worked on developing analytical methods for POPs, in particular brominated dioxins and furans during his internship at RIKILT – the Dutch National Institute of Food Safety (NRL)at the Wageningen University.

Guillaume ten Dam
Manager Sales & Analytical Support

Guillaume ten Dam worked for over 12 years as technician, researcher and lab coordinator in the contaminants department at RIKILT. He is specialized in targeted GC-HRMS analysis and has worked on among others on the analysis of Dioxins, PCBs, PAH, Chlorinated Paraffin, Brominated Flame retardants and Nitrosamines. Relying on this expertise he has been expert for the Dutch National Reference Laboratory for halogenated persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Feed and Food and the Dutch National Reference Laboratory for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. He has presented research data in numerous EU meetings, user meetings and conferences. As researcher he has written and contributed to several publications.
His workstyle is intuitive and practical while keeping an eye on long-term continuation and improvement. By doing so he aims to help organisations to improve its facilities, knowledge and output.

We understand the importance of dependable and reliable products. With our products and expertise our aim to to boost POPs analysis.
We provide the missing link in your laboratory

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