DSP-Systems serves as the official distributor for Miura – Institute of Environmental Science in both Europe and North America. Miura, a leading Japanese manufacturer, is renowned for its ‘next generation technology’ in automated sample preparation systems.
Miura‘s highly efficient and environmentally friendly GO-EHT systems are designed to purify samples for the analysis of persistent organic pollutants such as Dioxins, PCBs, PBDEs, and PCNs. These systems can handle a diverse range of sample matrices, including food, feed, soil, sewage, sludge, water, and air.
With GO-EHT, sample purification has become faster and easier than ever. The system significantly reduces organic solvent consumption and exposure to less than 100ml per sample, without the need for dichloromethane. Since the samples do not come into direct contact with the system, the risk of cross-contamination is eliminated. These systems offer numerous benefits that enhance laboratory efficiency and performance.
The Presto SPE system boasts a range of advanced features, including newly integrated continuous pumps for swift sample loading – effortlessly handling 1L samples in just 10 to 20 minutes using our SPE Mini-disk or other compatible SPE cartridges and disks.
With individual flow control for each sample line, users have the flexibility to disable any line as needed. Additionally, pressure monitoring and flow correction functionalities adapt to variations in sample matrices, while providing cartridge pressure warnings for enhanced safety. The system’s empty line detection feature alerts users in case of premature sample depletion due to clogging, leakage, or tubing placement, and intelligently stops sample loading on channels that have processed all the sample liquid.
Automated solid phase extraction
The SPE-03 is a powerful and efficient automated solid phase extraction system capable of processing up to 8 samples at a time. It can be used for large and small volume water, food, soil, fuel, protein and forensics sample extraction and clean up. Like all our systems, it utilizes positive pressure to deliver fluids at fixed flow rates and prevent build up in your SPE cartridges. All samples start and finish at the same time.
Our flow path integration technique gives the SPE-03 a very small footprint and can easily fit in any fume hood. Special features include bottle rinsing, separate waste outlets and nitrogen drying.
This fully automated SPE system is the top choice for PFAS extraction methods following ISO 21675 , EPA Methods 533/537/1633, and various proprietary methods. Other applications include 1-4 Dioxane, pesticides, PCBs, PAHs, mycotoxins and more.
The Ottopure protein purification system
Automated purification of 8 samples in parallel, up to 1L samples, using as many as 9 buffer solutions.
Compatible with 1mL to 70mL columns eg. GE HiTrapTM, gravity-flow columns and standard SPE cartridges.
Positive-pressure liquid delivery ensures consistent flow rate and fixed process time for each protein purification batch. Supervision is no longer required for gravity-flow columns, all samples start and finish simultaneously. Controlled flow also allows for increased column packing capacity for even higher sample throughput.
Up to 2 fractions per sample enabling targeted automated extraction of biomolecules and method development. More fractions can be collected by programming pause steps and switching out fraction tubes.
Automated column regeneration possible depending on application.
We provide sample extraction and concentration solutions using integrated instrumentation that perfectly combines with GO-EHT automated clean-up systems. Solid and semi-solid samples can be easily and rapidly extracted with the Solvent Extractor – SER-158.
This automated extraction and concentration system uses the Randall principle, meaning extraction is performed in boiling extraction solvent. After this step, a second extraction step is performed using a hot soxhlet or twisselman extraction. Up to six samples can be extracted within 2-3 hours, using less than 100ml of solvent per sample. While extracting, the sample is simultaneously concentrated and extraction solvent is collected is a solvent recovery tank. After the extraction process has finished, only traces of the extracion solvent will be left, saving you time for concentration processes.
Concentration and evaporation solutions
Evaporation and concentration is needed to get rid of remaining extraction solvent after the extraction has finished. Also, after purification has finished the volume of the extract needs to be concentrated down to the desired end-volume for GC-injection. For these purposes we offer the CentriVap benchtop concentration system. This vacuum centrifuge can hold over 60 samples (2 ml vials) and uses a combination of heat and vacuum. The CentriVap can also be used as a standalone evaporator system for evaporation of larger sample sizes, up to 100ml. Different rotors for different sample volumes are available and can be very easily replaced.
Analytical standard solutions and mixtures
We supply a comprehensive range of certified analytical standard solutions and reference materials for the analysis of organic pollutants and contaminants, such as Dioxins, PCBs, PBDEs, PAHs, PCNs and pesticides. Custom made solutions and mixtures are also available upon request. Our standards and mixtures are produced by accredited manufacturers. (ISO 9001:2008; ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and ISO Guide 34:2009)
Specifically designed for GO-xHT, we offer a complete standard solution kit with sophisticated dilution scheme for the preparation of the calibration set, spiking solutions, clean-up standards and recovery standards.
Fianovis Mycotoxins
Fianovis: a state-of-the-art offer for accurate and reliable mycotoxin detection
Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by different types of fungi that
can contaminate cereals, fruits or spices. If ingested in high quantities, these toxic
substances can be harmful to human and animal health. Governments set limits
for mycotoxins levels to ensure consumers protection. The accurate quantitative
determination of mycotoxins is therefore a major issue for world food safety.
Analytical services
DSP-Systems offers an extensive range of analysis of consumer and industrial goods as well as raw materials of food and feed products in close cooperation with ISO 17025 accredited laboratories, equipped with the state of the art analytical instrumentation and using the latest technology. Our comprehensive reports are internationally recognised, we make this service available to laboratories who wish to outsource (part of) their analysis, temporarily or for longer term.

We also assists laboratories with their method development and validation processes. A number of analysis we can assist you with are: Dioxins, PCBs, PBDEs, PAHs, pesticides, GMO, mycotoxin analysis, fatty acids and mineral oils.
Contact us
If you want further information about our company and our technologies, we invite you to contact us. You can do this by sending an e-mail to info@dspsystems.eu, or call us: +31 85 047 9266. Our professionals would like to assist you.

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