PCDD/F’s & 13C PCDD/F’s
Pesticides & 13C Pesticides
And more…
Have a look at the CIL catalogue for analytical standards and mixtures we can provide

DSP-Systems offers new custom made Dioxin and PCBs mixtures for GO-HT users
In close cooperation with Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, DSP-Systems offers laboratories analyzing organic contaminants throughout Europe a new set of custom made standard solutions and mixtures for the analysis of Dioxins and PCB’s:
- Mixture 1: PCDD/F’s with NO-PCBs
- Mixture 2: 13C PCDD/F’s with 13C NO-PCBs
- Mixture 3: MO-PCBs with NDL-PCBs
- Mixture 4: 13C MO-PCBs with NDL-PCBs
- Recovery/syringe standard: 1,2,3,4- Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin(13C12, 99%)
- Clean-up standard: 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin(37Cl4, 96%)

In addition, we provide comprehensive dilution schemes, in accordance with your analytical processes. These standard mixtures can be used for the preparation of:
- Calibration curves for Dioxins, DL-PCBs and NDL-PCBs
- 13C labeled spike solutions to be added to each sample prior to extraction or dilution
- 37Cl4 clean-up standard to be added to each extract prior to clean-up
- Recovery/syringe standard to be added to each purified extract prior to injection onto the GC-(HR)-MS-(MS)
- Native congeners to be used for QA samples
The amount and concentration of each ampoule can be used for over 50 calibration curves while all spike, recovery and clean-up solutions are enough for over 6.000 samples.
Contact us for detailed information about compounds and concentrations as well as a comprehensive dilution schedule.
The complete standard solution kit is available for around € 9.000,– Single dioxin and PCB solutions as well as the conventional standard mixtures are also available

Cambridge Isotope Laboratories is committed to continually improving and maintaining the effectiveness of the Quality System to deliver high quality products on time that meet or exceed customer and regulatory requirements.
ISO/IEC 17025
Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories” addresses technical competency of the testing laboratory and specifically, a laboratory’s ability to produce precise and accurate test and calibration data
ISO Guide 34
Accreditation to ISO Guide 34 “General Requirements for the Competence of Reference Material Producers” is designed to ensure competency in the manufacture of reference materials and assurance that international guidelines are followed in the production and assignment of material property values