Standards for Environment, Food, Water and Exposure Analysis

Column set certificates of quality

Application notes

Hayward D.; Traag W. (2020) New approach for removing co-extracted lipids before mass spectrometry measurement of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in foods
Fujita H. et al (2016) Simultaneous analysis of DIOXINS, PCBs and PBDES with a fully automated sample preparation system (II Validation). [Dioxin2016]
Traag W. et al (2015) High sample throughput in a modern dioxin laboratory using dual acquisition
Marchand P. et al (2014) A new highly innovative automatic purification system evaluated for Dioxins and PCBs.
Marchand P. et al (2013) Does automatic sample preparation fulfill the European analytical criteria for PCDD/Fs and PCBs monitoring in feed and food?
Fujita H. et al (2012) Suppresive effect of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs transfer from feed to eggs of laying hens by activated carbon as feed additive.